sc2r:DarkAdvertising leaf node



Dark Advertising


Dark Advertising is a type of advertising where the message can only be seen by the advertiser and the specific target group. Other people with dissimilar interests or who fall outside of the target group will usually be completely unaware of their existence.


Instances of sc2r:DarkAdvertising can have the following properties:

From class sc2r:Threat
sc2r:canResultIn owl:ObjectProperty -- sc2r:Harm
sc2r:damages owl:ObjectProperty -- sc2r:Resource
sc2r:exploits owl:ObjectProperty -- sc2r:Vulnerability
sc2r:isMitigatedBy owl:ObjectProperty -- sc2r:Response
sc2r:resultsIn owl:ObjectProperty -- sc2r:Harm
From class owl:Thing
dc1:creator owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc1:description owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc1:rights owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc:creator owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc:description owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc:rights owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
sc2r:hasID owl:DatatypeProperty -- owl:Thing
sc2r:relatesTo owl:ObjectProperty -- owl:Thing


@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sc2r: <> .

sc2r:DarkAdvertising a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Dark Advertising" ;
    rdfs:comment "Dark Advertising is a type of advertising where the message can only be seen by the advertiser and the specific target group. Other people with dissimilar interests or who fall outside of the target group will usually be completely unaware of their existence." ;
    rdfs:subClassOf sc2r:PsychographicHacking .