


Adapt Measure


Responses are framed around four resilience phases of Prepare, Absorb, Recover, and Adapt. Once baseline cyber functioning has been restored, the Adapt phase can commence and Adapt measures can be put in the place, using the learnings and experience from the adverse event to inform the evolution and increase in cyber functioning and to “bounce forward better”

Superclasses (1)


Instances of sc2r:AdaptMeasure can have the following properties:

From class sc2r:Response
sc2r:mitigates owl:ObjectProperty -- sc2r:Threat
sc2r:reduces owl:ObjectProperty -- sc2r:Vulnerability
From class owl:Thing
dc1:creator owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc1:description owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc1:rights owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc:creator owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc:description owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
dc:rights owl:AnnotationProperty -- owl:Thing
sc2r:hasID owl:DatatypeProperty -- owl:Thing
sc2r:relatesTo owl:ObjectProperty -- owl:Thing


@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sc2r: <> .

sc2r:AdaptMeasure a owl:Class ;
    rdfs:label "Adapt Measure" ;
    rdfs:comment """Responses are framed around four resilience phases of Prepare, Absorb, Recover, and Adapt.

Once baseline cyber functioning has been restored, the Adapt phase can commence and Adapt measures can be put in the place, using the learnings and experience from the adverse event to inform the evolution and increase in cyber functioning and to “bounce forward better”""" ;
    rdfs:subClassOf sc2r:Response .